Thursday, February 22, 2018

What to do when a Panic Attack comes

Overcomes Panic Attacks
Overcoming Panic Attacks
Panic attacks can indeed come at any time, especially when we are facing a tough problem and are constantly worried about it. Therefore, we need to understand the techniques to overcome them. A study published in the journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine describes an approach to dealing with panic attacks.

Accept this attack
"Many people think the panic attacks will stop by thinking, but the reality is not," said Dave Carbonell, an anxiety therapist from Chicago, USA. Even so, panic attacks often go away by themselves.

What we need to understand is to recognize the symptoms and accept them. Do not deny, but accept that you have a panic attack.

Make a note
If you know you often experience panic attacks, try to write them down in a note. Write down what symptoms and when this attack appears. Making notes in detail will keep us from imagining the no-no.

Breathlessness and shortness of breath are the main symptoms of panic attacks. However, these symptoms can get worse if we just take a short breath. Try to breathe the stomach. When the attack comes, take a deep breath, shake your shoulders, and focus on deep breathing and remove through the stomach. Put your hands on the abdomen to feel it.

It may be easy to say relaxed words, but when panic attacks come, some parts of the body just feel stiff. Breathe deeply and slowly while touching parts of the body that you know will definitely respond immediately, such as the shoulders.
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