Monday, January 29, 2018

Google Home, Google Home Mini and Google Home Max

A smart device made by google called Google Home has become a dream for every home that wants to look elegant. Google home has 3 types of Google Home, Google Home Mini, Google Home Max.

Google Home
the difference between google home, google home mini, and google home max
Google Home
This Google Home has billions of databases directly linked to google search, as long as you have an internet network you can give any command to these speakers, and will gladly run the command.
Not only that, Google Home can also be a controller for your electronics at home. Starting from playing the song to turn off the lights, with electronic records that you have is a smart electronics.

Google Home Mini
the difference between google home, google home mini, and google home max
Google Home Mini
The round shape is like a donut with dimensions of 4.53 x 4.53 x 4.72 inches and weighs less than 0.5kg. This Google Home Mini series has the ability to respond and read storybooks for children under 13.Google Home mini is inversely proportional to Google Home. Google Home Mini can only hear commands delivered with a radius of less than 2 meters, and the reading speed is not as good as Google Home. Google Home Mini takes some time or delay to read commands.

Google Home Max
the difference between google home, google home mini, and google home max
Google Home Max
Google Home Max is deliberately designed as a multimedia speaker because the sound generated from Google Home Max is claimed 20 times larger than 2 series Google Home. The size of Google Home Max is also large, equivalent to three standard home speakers. Home Max brings two 4.5-inch speakers equipped with a pair of tweeters. Home Max also features Smart Sound, with this feature Home Max can adjust the volume issued. Because it's designed as a multimedia speaker Google provides 12 months free access to music on youtube without ads so you do not have to use adblock.
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