Monday, January 15, 2018

10 symptoms of Alzheimer's disease you need to know

Alzheimer's causes the sufferer to decrease brain function including cognitive function which includes the ability of memory, language, visuospatial function and executive function of the patient decreased. The disease that can cause this death can only be slowed its development through drugs but can not be cured completely. 10 symptoms of Alzheimer's you need to know.

Memory Disorder
One of the most prominent symptoms in people with Alzheimer's is often forget things like things that just happened, the parking lot, until the promise. In addition, people with Alzheimer's also tend to repeat the same story in a conversation. Unlike people in general who also sometimes forget something, Alzheimer's sufferers have a very high frequency of forgetting.

Difficult Focus
Patients with Alzheimer's also usually show symptoms difficult to focus. This focusing difficulty causes Alzheimer's sufferers to do activities, daily work such as cooking until using the phone. Due to this difficulty of focus, Alzheimer's patients are also difficult to perform simple calculations and take longer than usual to do a job.

Difficult to Do Familiar Activities
Another symptom indicated by Alzheimer's Patients is the difficulty to plan or complete daily tasks. This is indicated by the confusion for how to drive to difficult to manage finances.

Experiencing disorientation or confusion of time is part of the symptoms that Alzheimer's sufferers often show. This disorientation is also not only related to time but also oada place. This makes Alzheimer's sufferers often confused where they are and how they got there. Therefore, people with Alzheimer's often do not know the way back home so Alzheimer's sufferers are often lost.

Difficulties of Understanding Visuospasial
Some of the difficulties of visuospatial understanding in Alzheimer's patients can be seen through the difficulty to read, measure distances and determine distances. Other difficulties experienced by people with Alzheimer's is to distinguish colors, not recognize their own faces in the mirror, smashing into the mirror when walking up to inappropriate when pouring water into a glass.

Communication Disorder
In Alzheimer's, communication is not uncommon to be difficult. People with Alzheimer's will find it difficult to talk and search for the right words. Therefore, Alzheimer's patients often stop in the middle of the conversation and confused to continue the sentence that want Alzheimer's want to talk about.

Put It Out of Stock
Forgetting where to put something is another symptom of Alzheimer's. Not infrequently, people with Alzheimer's will accuse others of stealing or hiding the item when the Alzheimer's sufferers who usually put the item is not in place.

Wrong Decision Making
Another most prominent feature of Alzheimer's is to dress inappropriately. For example, people with Alzheimer's can use red socks on the left and blue socks on the right without feeling any problems. People with Alzheimer's tend not to care for themselves properly. In addition, people with Alzheimer's can not take into account payments in interaction so often provide a far greater amount of money than the amount that should be paid.

Withdrawing From Intercourse
Loss of enthusiasm or initiative to perform an activity or hobby that is usually enjoyed also part of the symptoms of Alzheimer's. Usually this loss of spirit is also accompanied by a loss of spirit to gather and socialize with friends.

Changes in Behavior and Personality

Dramatically changed emotions are also a sign of Alzheimer's. People with Alzheimer's often become confused, suspicious, depressed or over-dependent on family members. Not infrequently, people with Alzheimer's feel easily disappointed and despair both at home and in work.

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