Monday, December 18, 2017

NASA discovered 20 new planets that humans can live in

A new data analysis from NASA's Kepler telescope reveals the 20 so-called planets can sustain life. The new study includes some planets orbiting stars similar to the Sun.

One of these planets is KOI-7923.01, an exoplanet - a planet outside the solar system - which is 97 percent the size of Earth, but cooler.

"If you want to choose one of those planets and launch a spacecraft to get there, it's not a bad choice," Kepler team leader Jeff Coughlin told New Scientist.

KOI-7923.01 requires 395 days to complete one orbit of its star.

Life there may be similar to the tundra on Earth. However, the temperature there is still quite warm and great to contain water.

However, the team admits more observation is required before the findings are confirmed.

The list of 20 planets was formed using a new tool called Robovetter that can automatically analyze Kepler's findings.

With this latest study, terrestrial planet candidates in the habitable zone increased to 50, with previously about 30 planets confirmed as exoplanets.
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